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Wherein the several General Heads are specified, the Sections and Subdivisions set down in order, with a Reference to the Chapter and Page.
Sect. VII. He riseth from the dead
Sect. vIII. He ascended into heaven:
is our way to the Father, our advo-
cate and intercessor there
Sect. Ix. He is made our king and
head, to encounter, and conquer
our enemies: to rule for and in us. 65
Sect. x. He is our prophet and shep-
herd, to teach, guide, and feed us.
Sect. xI. He is our all, in all things:
our completeness and perfection
CHAP. VII. God's free choice of us in
Christ Jesus to eternal life, and call-
ing of us according to his purpose and
CHAP. VIII. Pardon and remission of
sins; reconciliation and peace with
God; justification and sanctification
before God; eternal life and salvation
free, through the grace of God, by the
death, sacrifice, and sufferings of
In general
In particular
Sect. 1. Pardon of sins
See more, trusting in God, chap. xvi.
Sect. IV. The effects or fruits, by
which we know a right faith
See fruits of the Spirit, chap. xix.
Sect. v. The dangerous state and issue
of unbelief
CHAP. X. Characters of saints, good
men, believers, appearing in word and
Sect. I. That such may be known
from others by their fruits
Sect. 11. The particular fruits of the
Spirit, which are indispensably ne-
cessary to real saints
See more of the fruits of faith, chap. ix.
Of the fruits of the Spirit, chap. xix.
In duties, chap. xiv. xv. xvi.
In each duty in affliction, chap. xx.
In duties to magistrates, chap. xxii.
CHAP. XIII. Of the union and relation
between Christ and his church, and
their mutual love and esteem; toge-
ther with the manifestation thereof
CHAP. XIV. Of the duties of believers,
especially such as would excel. First,
Toward God
Sect. 1. In general, to live to God,
not to themselves: to be holy, fruit-
ful, walking in the light, in an ho
nest, heavenly, and spiritual con-
versation, worthy of their high call-
ing to glorify God, and mind the
things above
Sect. 11. In particular: to love God
the Father, and our Lord Jesus
Christ, and set our affections on
See more of submitting in affliction, ch. xx. See of death, chap. xxxii.
Sect. XII. The excellence of meekness
and patience: the encouragements
See more, duties of brethren in the Lord,
chap. xv.
Duties to all men, chap. xvii. Duties to persecutors, chap, xx.
Sect. XIII. To take heed to our lips,
that our words be not rash, but true,
seasonable, well ordered, and sa-
Sect. xiv. To confess and mourn for
sin, depart from it, and watch against
it: the arguments. God's complaint
against, and reasoning with sinners:
his threatenings and judgments
against sin and sinners.
I. What sin is
Of perseverance, sect. xvii.
II. To wait for the second coming
of Christ
See more, his coming to judgment,
chap. xxxvi.
Sect. xvi. To walk with God heartily,
uprightly, sincerely, and to follow
him fully and zealously: the reasons
See also hypocrites, &c. chap. xxv.
Sect. XVII. To stick fast to God, and
not to depart from him: to abide
in the faith and practice of his will,
and persevere to the end: the rea-
sons •
I. To persevere and abide in faith
and practice, &c.
See more of holding fast to God in time of affliction, chap. xx.
II. That believers shall have grace
and power to stand
See more of God upholding us in afflictions,
chap. xx.
Sect. XVIII. To take care to watch di-
ligently over ourselves, with a holy
jealousy and fear, lest we should
apostatise and depart from God, his
truths, and ways, into any error or
sin: the reasons: our danger
See more instances of the failings of God's children, chap. xi.
Of the tempers, methods, &c. chap. xxviii.
CHAP. XV. Duties of believers, brethren
in the Lord, each to other, as such;
and as standing in that relation one to
Seat. 1. To love each other: the kinds
of it
See also this duty, how we should behave to
the afflicted, chap. xx.
Sect. 1. To honour and esteem each
other and be kind and affectionate 225
See more of walking humbly, chap. xiv.
CHAP. XVIII. How men come truly and
spiritually to know the only true God,
and Jesus Christ whom he hath sent;
and the mysteries of salvation by him.
To believe it, bring forth fruit, and
persevere through difficulties, to eter-
nal life
Sect. 1. Man of himself not able to do
these things.
Sect. 11. God in Christ doth all freely;
and that according to promise
I. In general
II. In particular, God gives the
knowledge of himself, &c. in the
See more of knowledge, chap. xxxvi.
Sect. 111. To give faith or ability to be-
Sect. IV. To make fruitful, to enable
to subdue sin, and profit in grace
Sect. v. To give power to persevere in
faith and obedience
. 259
See more of perseverance, chap. xiv.
Sect. vi. God, in Christ, doth com-
mand, encourage, and invite by pro-
mises, to come to him for these, and
cast our care upon him.
CHAP. XIX. How God works and effects
these things in the hearts and spirits of
Sect. 1. By his Spirit, whom he pro-
Sect. 11. Of the Spirit of God further;
his being given to, and dwelling in
believers; working in them, and
upon others; the nature and fruits
thereof. Saints' duties towards the
Spirit, &c.
I. Of the Spirit of God working in
believers, and upon others
II. The nature, working, and fruits
of the Spirit
Sect. III. Saints' duties towards the
I. To follow him, and make use of
Sect. 1. The considerations which
should bear up, stay, and comfort
the spirits of believers in their afflic-
tions, and under persecutions
Cons. I. God appoints them; and
that for good ends
I. To see God in them, as being
sent by him
Cons. II. That such who are so ex-
ercised are blessed and happy;
and so pronounced in scripture:
it is a seal of sonship, of God's choice love, and of their salva- tion
Cons. III. That God well knows
the designs and ways of Satan,
and of all the adversaries of be-
lievers: and that they can do no
more, nor proceed further against
us, than God permits. He turns
about their purposes
Cons. IV. That God orders and de-
termines the measure, manner,
time, and continuance of afflic-
tions and persecutions; and that
according to our necessities
Cons. V. That God doth sometimes
make enemies and persecutors
themselves to attest the saints'
innocency when they suffer; and
will surely avenge them of their
Cons. VI. That God will comfort,
uphold, and preserve his, in all
their troubles, and not lay more
upon them than they can bear
See common calamities, chap. xxi.
Cons. VII. That the righteous are
near and dear to God in Christ;
so that he takes notice of their
afflictions and troubles; and is
said to be persecuted and afflicted
in their persecutions, &c.
See union and relation between Christ and his church, chap xiii.
Cons. VIII. That the greater the
afflictions and distresses of the
righteous have been, the more
See also common calamities, chap. xxi.
II. To submit to God with an en-
tire resignation under troubles
III. To confess their sins, and jus-
tify God
See more of confession of sin, chap. xiv.
IV. To hold fast to God, own the
Lord Jesus, his people, and ways
in the midst of trouble and perse-
See Perseverance, chap. xiv.
V. To be cheerful under affliction,
and rejoice at being counted
worthy to suffer for Christ
VI. To call upon the Lord for
help, support, and salvation
See more of prayer, chap. xiv.
In common calamities, chap. xxi.
VII. Not to fear, but believingly
commit their cause to God, and
quietly wait for his salvation
See also trusting in, and waiting for God,
chap. xiv.
Secondly. Duties of Believers
toward enemies not persecu-
tors in a time of suffering
I. To be patient, quiet, and sober
toward them; not revenge, or
return evil for evil, or reviling
for reviling; but forgive them. ib.
II. Not to desire or rejoice in the
hurt of enemies, &c.
III. To pray for and do good to
persecutors and enemies
IV. To use lawful and honest means
for avoiding and delivering them-
selves and others from afflictions
and persecutions
V. To look to the cause of our
sufferings, that it be for well do-
ing, for Christ, and a good con-