Secondly. The dignity, privileges, and
blessings belonging to the church,
of Jesus Christ in general, as such 340
See union and relation between Christ and
his church, chap. xiv.
Thirdly. Of the qualifications of mem-
bers of the church of God; what
they should be
Fourthly. Of the property that parti-
cular churches had in their members,
and of others joining themselves to
Fifthly, Of letters commendatory, and
the churches receiving of such as
were recommended to them by word
or letter
Sixthly. Of the order of the charches
in their assemblies and meetings:
their stated regulations in constant
Seventhly. Of the gifts of prayer, pro-
phesying, psalms, tongues, &c.which
the members of churches received:
how they used them in the church
assemblies, and elsewhere, for the
edification one of another, and in-
struction of others: the order how
they should be used, directed: such
gifts to be desired for this end.
Eighthly. Of other acts done in and by
these particular churches, in sending
messengers to other churches; and,
upon occasion, determining contro-
versies, writing and sending epistles
and other affairs, of their meeting
together in order thereto, and hearing
such epistles: the epistles directed
to the whole body
See Church discipline in this chapter,
sect. xiii.
Ninthly. Of the ending of controversies