Ord. IV. Breaking of bread, or
the Lord's supper
Ord. V. Discipline, church cen-
sures, or removing of scandals.
See more of rebuking one another, chap. xv.
CHAP. XXVI. Of hypocrites and hypo-
crisy the spirit and practices of such,
who are very formal and earnest in and
about the external parts of worship and
profession, and in a show for God; yet
high in their opposition of Christ, the
truth of the gospel, and power of god.
liness in others
See more of their persecuting temper, ch. xx.
Sect. 1. The great danger of hypocrisy,
and formality, and the end of hypo-
Sect. 1. Of Satan, the devil himself
See more, sinners' bondage, chap. iv.
Sect. 11. The instruments of Satan;
seducers, deceivers, &c.
CHAP. XXIX. Of consideration, medi-
tation, pondering upon, and serious
weighing of the things of God, his
word and works, &c.
CHAP. XXX. Of the thoughts, mind,
and affections.
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See waiting for Christ's coming, ch. xiv.
CHAP. XXXV. Of the glory prepared
and reserved for believers, at the ap-
pearing of the Lord Jesus Christ
. 402
See the end of the wicked, chap. iv.
CHAP. XXXVI. Of knowledge and un-
derstanding in divine things, and of
the want thereof: ignorance about such
things, and the evil thereof
See more of the sottish nature of man,
chap. iv.
See also the giver of knowledge, ch. xviii.
CHAP. XXXVII. Of this present world,
and the titles, honours, pleasures, and
other things in this world: the use of
them; the snares and temptations in
them; our duty in relation to them
CHAP. XXXVIII. Of idolatry, setting up
and worshipping strange gods, graven
images, &c.